Like USA Girl Scouts everywhere, our program is financed and supported by members of the community who generously donate their time, money and resources to Girl Scouts. We'd love your contribution as well! We also welcome volunteers in Girl Scouting whether it's as a leader, as a manager of leaders, as a trainer of leaders or girls, as someone who can arrange for special field trips and experiences for our girls, or as someone who can teach skills on a one time basis or supervise girls for a special event or trip. A few of the positions we are currently seeking are listed on the adult Overseas Committee page.
Some of the events and items that we currently need include:
* A file cabinet, a closable bookcase (it's dusty!), card table, folding chairs, small ladder (for our joint GS use at ASK)
* Spring Girl Scout campout for all of the girls
* "Thinking Day" Event in conjunction with British Girl Guides, Kuwait Girl Guides, and Armenian Girl Scouts to promote world friendship
* Sending older girls to leadership events and outdoor adventures in the USA
* Sending leaders to a training conference in Europe
* Sponsoring a training conference for USA Girl Scout leaders in the Middle East which will be held here in Kuwait
* Paperback books in English, for distribution to the US military in Kuwait
* School supplies, which we are helping other organizations to collect for distribution to school children in Iraq
We'd welcome the donation of actual items or supplies as well as money to support our programs and help us buy needed items. For more information or to contact someone to arrange a donation please email the
Chairman of USA Girl Scouts Overseas - Kuwait
Donating Time
We offer free training, and can provide performance evaluations and referral information upon request, should you wish to include experience as a Girl Scout volunteer in a future resume. If you are interested in learning more or in helping out in one of these capacities, please contact the
Chairman of USA Girl Scouts Overseas - Kuwait
For more information or to join please contact:
Copyright © 1998-2003 By USAGS - Kuwait
Last Modified August 18,2003