7#Y$w*WtEtEuEuEuEu]u]u]u]um uw uuuuu uuuuw uQwwuwwww w"w&U.S. A. Girl Scouts Kuwait Lone Troop Committee SENIOR PROGRAM PLANNER FOR THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD  Name _______________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________ Troop # _____________________ Date Bridged to Seniors ____________________________________________________ Troop Leader _______________________________ Phone # ______________ Gold Consultant _______________________________ Phone # ______________ USAGS Kuwait Jan. 2000   THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest achievement in Girl Scouting. It recognizes your efforts in a wide range of Girl Scouting experiences and YOUR COMMITMENT to working to better your life and the lives of others. The five requirements demand efficient organizational, time management, and leadership skills. You may begin to work on this award when you become a Senior Girl Scout. Guidelines for Gold Awards allow girls to begin work on these awards after they have completed bridging activities from Cadette Girl Scouts. Requirements started prior to becoming a Senior Girl Scout may NOT be applied toward this award. If you do not complete all bridging activities, you are considered to be a Senior Girl Scout on October 1st and may begin activities towards your Gold on that date. ALL work must be completed while you are a registered Senior Girl Scout. There are FIVE requirements for this award. You should work closely with your adult partners in the completion of all the requirements. The first four requirements call upon you to build your skills, explore career possibilities, increase your leadership skills, and make a commitment to improving yourself. You may not use activities to earn credit in more than one area one activity, one requirement. Refer to pages 167-173 in the Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts. The first four requirements may be done in any order, but must be completed BEFORE you work on the fifth requirement, the Girl Scout Gold Award Project. You MUST discuss your proposal for a project with your leader and Gold Award Consultant before you start. This enables you to understand what is required and expected of you from the beginning. If you will be doing any fund raising or solicitation of materials as part of your Gold Award, you must have approval from the LTC. Remember that you cannot collect money for other organizations, however you may be able to ask for goods and services. The program planner for the Gold Award should be used to record your completed work. Your Gold Consultant will ask to see this planner and all supporting documents. For the Gold Award requirements, see the next page.  REQUIREMENTS FOR THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD Requirements started BEFORE becoming a Senior Girl Scout may NOT be used for the Gold Award. 1. Earn 4 Interest Project Patches that relate to your Gold Award project. Cadette/Senior G.S. Interest Project (I.P.) Book 2. Earn the Career Exploration Pin. Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 152-156 3. Earn the Senior Girl Scout Leadership Award. Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 151-152 4. Earn the Senior Girl Scout Challenge. Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 158-161 Consult with your leader and Gold Award Consultant before proceeding 5. Plan and implement a Girl Scout Gold Award Project that requires at least 50 hours of work. Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 169-173 After completing the above five steps, fill out the Gold Award Cover Sheet (to be used for background when your award is presented to you) and the Gold Award Application Form (to be turned in to the LTC for final approval and ordering of your award.) Then you should arrange a meeting with your Gold Award Consultant to complete the application for your award. A letter will be sent to you and your leader/advisor about acceptance of your Gold Award. Your leader and/or LTC will plan a ceremony with you. You will be awarded your pin at this special ceremony. GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD SUMMARY WORKSHEET Name:__________________________________________ Troop # ________________________________ Use this summary sheet to keep track of your progress towards the Gold Award. REQUIREMENT #1 Earn four Interest Project Patches related to the project you will do for the Gold Award. 1. ________________________________________________________ Date Completed __________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ Date Completed __________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ Date Completed __________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ Date Completed __________________________ REQUIREMENT #2 Earn the Career Exploration Pin. Date Completed __________________________ REQUIREMENT #3 Earn the Senior Girl Scout Leadership Award. Date Completed __________________________ Total Hours: _____________________________ Leadership projects: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REQUIREMENT #4 Earn the Senior Girl Scout Challenge. Date Completed __________________________ REQUIREMENT #5 Plan and implement a Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Project Idea: _______________________________________________ Date Completed __________________________ Total Hours: _____________________________ Project Summary: __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #1 Date Completed __________________________ INTEREST PROJECT NO. 1 Date Patch Received _________________________ Leaders/Advisors Signature ___________________________________  INTEREST PROJECT TITLE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: What did you learn? (Be sure to include skills learned.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #1 Date Completed __________________________ INTEREST PROJECT NO. 2 Date Patch Received _________________________ Leaders/Advisors Signature ___________________________________  INTEREST PROJECT TITLE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: What did you learn? (Be sure to include skills learned.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #1 Date Completed __________________________ INTEREST PROJECT NO. 3 Date Patch Received _________________________ Leaders/Advisors Signature ___________________________________  INTEREST PROJECT TITLE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: What did you learn? (Be sure to include skills learned.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #1 Date Completed __________________________ INTEREST PROJECT NO. 4 Date Patch Received _________________________ Leaders/Advisors Signature ___________________________________  INTEREST PROJECT TITLE ___________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: What did you learn? (Be sure to include skills learned.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #2 Date Completed __________________________ CAREER EXPLORATION PIN Date Pin Received __________________________ Reference: Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 152-157 Leaders/Advisors Signature ______________________________ DIRECTIONS: To earn this recognition, you must complete the first two requirements below and at least one of the suggested options from the Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts. Options can be individual or group projects. THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #3 Date Completed __________________________ SENIOR GIRL SCOUT LEADERSHIP AWARD Date Pin Received __________________________ Reference: Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 151-152 Leaders/Advisors Signature ______________________________ The Senior Girl Scout Leadership Award builds on your previous leadership experience. You may earn an Interest Project patch in the process of earning this award, however, the I.P. MAY NOT count as one of the four interest projects you earn to fulfill your Gold Award requirements. (No double-dipping) 1. Read about leadership in Chapter 3, pages 65-92 in the Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts. Date Completed _____________ 2. Log at least 30 hours in two or more of the following activities. If you spend 30 or more hours on only one of the options below, you must still work on a second activity option for a minimum of three hours. The experiences may be in or outside of Girl Scouting. Serve a term as an officer in a group (for example, president or treasurer) Assist in the leadership of a group engaged in Girl Scout activities. Plan and give a public presentation (See Chapter 4 of the Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts.) Serve in a leadership capacity for your LTC (for example, as a member of a wider opportunities committee.) Work with an adult who is in a leadership position in the community (for example, director of the town planning board or director of a social service agency.)  Fill out a copy of the attached Leadership Log for each leadership project and fill in the summary below: Leadership Log Senior Girl Scout Leadership Award For each leadership project, keep a separate log sheet of your leadership experience. Refer to page 152 of the Resource Book fp or Senior Girl Scouts for some ideas for leadership projects. Remember, each project must have a minimum of 3 hours leadership to count towards this award. Name of group ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of project __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: What did you learn? (Be sure to include skills learned) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #4 Date Completed _____________________ SENIOR GIRL SCOUT CHALLENGE Date Pin Received ______________________ Reference: Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 158-161 Leaders/Advisors Signature _________________________ This Challenge asks you to put the girl Scout Promise and Law into action. When you combine your talents and energies with your values and convictions, you can make a positive difference in the lives of otheres. You can work on the activities alone or with otheres who share your interests. You will need to refer to your Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts for details of each section. SENIOR GIRL SCOUT CHALLENGE EVALUATION After you have completed the five challenges in this recognition, use the questions below to help you and your leader evaluate your experience. What have you discovered about the world of Girl Scouting? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In what situations have you demonstrated a real understanding of the Promise and the Law by applying them to everyday living? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How has your project benefited others? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are some possible ways that you could continue to show your concern in this area in the future? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In what ways have you shown that you are capable of self-direction? In what ways were you able to work, plan, and share with a group? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What other things have you learned about yourself? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How have you demonstrated what you value? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD REQUIREMENT #5 SENIOR GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD PROJECT Reference: Resource Book for Senior Girl Scouts, pg. 169-172 A Gold Award project is an opportunity for you to put your leadership skills, career interests, and personal values together to serve your community. You may plan your project individually or you may choose to work with other Girl Scouts. If you choose to engage in a collective project, each member of the team must adopt equal amount of responsibility, and everyone must be given an opportunity to learn and grow by acquiring the skills needed to accomplish the project goals. Your project should expand upon the skills that you have gained by completing the first four requirements. Here is a summary of some basic guidelines (see pages 169-171 for details): You must submit an application to the LTC at least 6 weeks prior to the date you propose to begin your project. Your project should be a community service project. Community service is always done without expectation of payment or reward. You are encouraged to go beyond the Girl Scouting Community. If it involves Girl Scouts, it must include the outlying community. You must select an adult project advisor/consultant. If your troop leader or parent is your advisor, you must also consult another adult for at least a portion of your project. You may enlist others to help you or work through other organizations, but your vision and leadership should make it happen. You must consider at the outset what funding is necessary to successfully execute the project. Your project should take a time commitment of 50 hours, at the minimum. Keep a log of your time spent on the project. If your project is ongoing, plan how it can be sustained or maintained. Remember that any fund raising or solicitation of materials needs to be approved by the LTC. Always check Safety-Wise when planning your project. If you are proposing to address sensitive issues as defined in Safety-Wise, you will need to follow GSUSA guidelines for Girl Scout involvement and have LTC permission before beginning. Be sure and consult with your adult advisor before making extensive plans, as sometimes what you may think is a good project may need some adjustment to fulfill requirements for the Gold Award. Your Gold Award application will consist of 3 parts: A) A cover sheet with personal information such as your name, address, troop number, phone number, your Girl Scout experience, etc. B) A log of all of the Gold Award prerequisites (such as the sheets in this planner!) C) A proposed plan for your Gold Award Project GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD PROJECT PROPOSAL Please type or print in black ink. (You can use a computer) Make a copy for your advisor and yourself. This Proposal is due to the LTC a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the scheduled start of your project. PLEASE DO NOT START YOUR PROJECT UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL OF YOUR PROJECT! Personal Data Name: _____________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Age: _______ USAGSO Kuwait Troop Number: ________ Grade: __________ School: ______________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Project Title: ___________________________________________________________ Organization served: _____________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________________ Estimated Start Date: ______________ Estimated Completion Date: ____________ Describe your proposed project. What do you hope to achieve? Who will benefit from your project? Why did you choose this project? What strengths and talents that you already have will be used during this project? What new skills will you learn through this project? What are the steps involved in putting your project into action? How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your project? List the consultants you will use. List the equipment, supplies and resources you will use. What expenses will you have and how will you meet them? Your Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Advisor Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Approved by: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Page  of 17 Page  of 17 vhvhOA;gd WORD;gbin1991329877768<NY.NY;gd WORD;g<GH.GHild WORDil<NY.NY;gd WORD;g<q.qYd WORDY<q.qYd WORDY<q.qYd WORDY<q.qYd WORDY<.Bd WORDB<. `d WORD `3ijkltLMJcefghijik ,  6 7 8 }zwt@  L Y@     L Y   L Y                L Y2 @ 0 -!8?cqr~+9: OeNw)*8yz@@@@/|HI 2 | } ~  !2"u""""##e#f#g#h##$%^%%%|y XZ XZq XZ5.%%&&N&O&P&Q&'(G(r(v((())e)f)**F*H*J*L*v*z***++*+t+u,,-.4.6....//*/-////0=0>0 X[%@@@@@ XZ200001M22224@4A4477,717V7q77789^99999:d:eG]GGGGGGGGGJJKKKKL L LL¿}@@@ X[a@1LM>M@MMNNNdNfNNQQQQQS SSTTUWWKXXYYY Y YYYYYYYYY Y"Y#Y$@@@@@@@@@@ )23JSijlmnopqrstuvwxLMIJYcdeghj , - ) *    6 7 8+$$+$$@ 8 qr9:NOxy)*yz=>{|<`HI! 2 | }ƽ$h 0C }  !2!" 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