The Overseas Committee is the governing body for USA Girl Scouts in Kuwait. Due to the size of our OC here in Kuwait, it functions much like a "service unit" would in the U.S. The committee is run by a chairman who asks for volunteers and/or appoints other officers with the approval of the committee. The committee officers vary according to the needs of the OC and the availability and talents of the volunteers. The OC meets monthly to make plans for joint events for troops, training, business functions (generally with the main office of USA Girl Scouts Overseas, a division of GSUSA, in New York), discuss problems, and to make plans for the future of Girl Scouting in Kuwait. If you'd like to attend the OC meeting please contact the
OC Chair
The OC also has Troop Leader meetings once each month for training and to disseminate information about joint events, policies, awards orders, etc. Each troop is expected to send a leader, assistant or other representative to these meetings.
Chairman - Gertrude
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Registrar -
Events Chairman -
Other jobs being done on the OC level include:
Trainers - Gertrude, Janis, Chandana
Badge Orders -
Uniform Orders -
Calendar Sales Coordinators -
Librarian -
Fundraising -
We are currently seeking volunteers to help out in the following capacities:
Leaders always welcome- any age level
Patch design/ordering coordinator
Patch/pin sales coordinator
Exchange coordinator (pen pals, postcards, mascots, etc.)
Hospitality (sets up Leaders' Meetings and OC meetings)
Age Level Consultants
Gold & Silver Award Advisor for Cadettes/Seniors
We also have some smaller, short-term jobs available for volunteers:
Create and maintain a list of field trips opportunities
Create and maintain a list of tips about buying supplies in Kuwait
Various event coordinators:
Spring Campout coordinator; Year End event coordinator; Registration coordinator; Train the Trainer coordinator (training event, arrange schedule, snacks, housing for out of town visitors, etc.)
We offer free training, and can provide performance evaluations and referral information upon request, should you wish to include experience as a Girl Scout volunteer in a future resume. If you are interested in learning more or in helping out in one of these capacities, please contact
OC Chairman
Copyright © 1998-2005 By USAGS - Kuwait
Last Modified May 18, 2005